Project Volunteering Opportunities


Volunteers from across Glasgow were offered a range of training and volunteering opportunities, and learned a great deal when working with the project. Here is an outline of some of the activities made available to volunteers.

Please note that the The African Arts Centre runs additional training and work experience programmes on a regular basis.



Oral History Programme

Volunteers attended a 2x day oral history training programme and several review workshops delivered by Dr Sue Morrison, Oral History Research & Training Consultancy. They were then supported to record interviews with Glasgow’s African residents talking about their cultural traditions in Africa and how they try to keep them alive in Scotland. The recordings were used to create several outputs for this project and then deposited with an authorised repository and made accessible to researchers and the public. Volunteers received an oral history training certificate for their work.
Some volunteers attended a further ½ day audio editing workshop to enable them to create sound clips for use in the project outputs.



Film Making Workshops

Volunteers attended evening workshops delivered by Rainy Days Productions. They then created and edited films of interviews with some fantastic African respondents. Extracts of these filmed interviews have been uploaded to YouTube and this new project website.



Drama and Storytelling Workshops

Working with Chief Amu Logotse from Amu’s Cultural Arts, volunteers learned wonderful creative techniques and then worked with the project’s oral testimonies to create a wonderful interpretation of respondent’s stories. The resulting performance was staged at the project launch.



African Music and Dance Workshops

Local people from across Glasgow joined us at The African Arts Centre to learn all about traditional African drumming and dances. Following much hilarity, the groups learned many new skills and performed at the project launch.


Tel: 0141 258 2911

Next page: Acknowledgments